The shirt was a gown on me, but I still loved it so much. My sister actually missed her oppurtunity for an autograph a couple times because they would bring Pat somewhere and then move him and tell you to come back later and blah blah. I have this story down to an exact science from the times my dad has told it to us, to other family, to strangers, etc. haha. So my sister is in line, like really close, and then they move him once again. Well, she was about 5 or 6, so she just starts whaling right there in the line of people. Pat's big pregnant wife (hehe) comes over to see what's going on, because she wasn't far from the line. My dad tells her, and they take my sister to him and he signs her little Sabres hockey stick. So all is good, and we all get autographs. I wish I could remember more from that day, but I can't. I know I got an autographed puck also that said Sabres carnival and all that, but it is nowhere to be found anymore which bums me out big time. My dad I think even remembers who it was signed by, but the name always escapes me.
I just wish they still did things like that, but I don't know, maybe that would be too much to take on. Who knows though, maybe someday they will have another one or something like it for the fans. Nice thing to look back on though.
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